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How to QSO in Spanish for English speakers

Many Spanish speaking hams will understand the ICAO phonetic alphabet and prosigns like CQ, and QRZ.

A typical QSO in Spanish between John, an English speaker, and Juan, a Spanish speaker:

John---CQ CQ CQ---ESTA ES (esstah ess) W1AW(Doe Blay Vay, uno, aah, Doe Blay Vay)
Juan---Esta es XE1CG (ECK keys KEYS, eh, uno, say, hay)

John---(Again! Again!) Otra vez? (Oh TRA vez)

Juan--- XE1CG (ECK keys, eh, uno, say, hay) ¿Cuál es su indicativo?

John--- Mi indicativo es W1AW (Doe blay vay, uno, aah, Doe blay vay)
Juan--- need Spanish words for signal report Su es ????????
John---signal report
Juan---Cual se Nombre (Kwal, Say, Nome bray)
John---Mi nombre es xxxxx
Juan---¿Donde está usted? ( DOhN DAY, ess tah, oos ted)
John---Estoy en xxxxxxxx(ESS toy, en)
Juan-Por favor QSL (Pour Fah vore, Coo, ESS ay, Elay)
John---QSL Via LOTW (COO, Ess, Elay, Buyah, Elay, Oh, Tah, Doe blay vay)
Juan---73 ( say TAINT tah, Trace)
John---Un placer (oon, Play sir)


Spanish Alphabet.......... Spanish Numbers

A(aah)NENnay 1OOH no 2Dose
Bbay OOh 3Trace 4Kwat Tro
Csay Ppay 5SINK oh 6Sayce
Dday Qcoo 7SEE ay TAY 8OH CHO
Eeh Rairay 9NWAY vay 0SAYR oh
Feffay SESS ay
Ghay Ttay
Hah chay UOOH 10dee ACE 20Venn tay
Iee Vbay peckAIN yA 30Tren tay 40kwah ren tay
J(HOE tah) WDoe blay vay 50sin KWAIN tah60Says en tay
Kkah XECK keys 70say TAINT tah80OH chintay
Lelay Yee gree AY gah 90no VAIN tah 100See YAIN toe

Useful Phrases

1) What is your Callsign? ¿Cuál es su indicativo?( Kwall, Soo, IN dick uh tee voe)

2)My Callsign is: Mi indicativo es (Me,indick uh tee voe, ESS)

3)My name is Mi nombre es ( Me nome bray Ess)

4)Where are you? ¿Donde está usted? ( DOhN DAY, ess tah, oos ted)

5)I am in: Estoy en xxxxxxxx(ESS toy, en xxxx)
Estoy ubicado en xxxxxxxx (I'm located in)

6) Again! Again!
Otra vez----(OH tra VEZ) -- literally, "another time", but that's what they say for "again".

For contests like WPX, Field Day, SSB Sprint, etc:

7) What is your number? ¿Cuál es su numero? (Kwal, Ess, Soo, New mare oh)

8) My number is: Mi número es: ( Me, New mare oh, ESS)

QSL request

9) Please QSL--Por favor QSL (Pour Fah vore, Coo, ESS ay, Elay)

via QRZ, (Buyah, Coo, AIRay, SAY tah)
via LoTW, (Buyah, Elay, Oh, Tah, Doe blay vay)
direct mail A Mi dirrecion (aah, Me, Die wreck see ohn)

9)A closing salutation.

There are many possibilities here.
Un placer -- "a pleasure", short for "It's been a pleasure meeting you".
Que le vaya todo bien -- "Wishing all the best for you"
Cuidate -- "Take care" this one is a little less formal than the previous ones.
73 ( say TAINT tah, Trace)

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